River Bend Ladies’ League Policies and Rules
Golf Rules
On the golf course the Golf Canada rules of play will be followed. The Executive will address complaints, breaches and requests for interpretation of play following these rules in all cases.
Local Golf Rules
Rules as indicated on the River Bend Score Card or as directed by the River Bend Pro Shop are to be followed. Clarification of these rules is the responsibility of the individual Ladies’ League member.
Each player is responsible for her conduct before, during and after league play, keeping in mind the spirit of the game, safety and consideration of others.
Players are expected to show respect for each other at all times as poor etiquette reflects on everyone in the league. Complaints about conduct will be resolved by the River Bend Ladies’ League Executive and will be dictated by what is in the best interest of the league.
Members will be held accountable for their conduct at all times during league events. Any player who is unable to comply with the Ladies’ League Article V in the league's Bylaws may be asked to leave the league.
Will be set and managed by the league based on league play, using the principles of the handicap system that is recognized by the League Manager. Members of the River Bend Ladies' League are required to turn in their score cards after play. These scores are then entered into the League Manager system, by the Ringer Book Captain or designate. The League Manager handicap results will be used by the executive for awarding handicap-based prizes and for year-end windup team set up.
Players must be paid up members of the league in order to play each week.
A player must be 18 years old on or before registration night in order to be eligible to play in the league.
Under aged players are encouraged to participate in the River Bend Junior Program. There will be no exceptions.
The Executive Committee
The River Bend Ladies League will consist of members of both the morning and evening leagues, who will act as the officers of the league. This executive committee will be elected and will act as the officers from November 1 of the election year, continuing on for a two-year term, or until such time as their successors are elected and installed. The executive committee will consist of the following voting members:
Vice President
League Captains - (2 each from Morning and Evening)
Social Committee - (1 each from Morning and Evening)
Prize Committee - (2 each from Morning and Evening)
Ringer Book Captain
Communication Committee
Audit Committee - to be selected annually
Past President - not a voting role, only acts in a consultative capacity
***See River Bend Ladies’ League Bylaws for a full description of positions and roles - Articles VI and X
River Bend Ladies’ League website, www.riverbendladiesleague.ca , contains Ladies’ League information and acts as an information and communication tool. Some of the information will be changing on a weekly basis.
There is also a Facebook page (River Bend Ladies’ League)
Format and Start Times
PM League - The usual format for evening league play is a Shotgun Start at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday evenings.
AM League - The format is tee times and the start times change throughout the season. Although the game of the week is based on nine holes, women are able to play 18 holes, but it is always an option to play only nine. A schedule is given out at registration with the start times.
Weekly Sign in Procedure
Women are asked to sign up for the following week, each week as they check in prior to play. If you miss that you are expected to email or text the captains telling them you wish to be put on the list. The captains will try their best to accommodate work schedules, guests and special requests.
The purpose of the league however is for women to golf with as many other women as possible during the year, so they will try to grant requests for friends to play with friends or for a certain tee times unless there is a valid reason (work, medical, family) for the request.
If you are going to be away please sign the absent notice letting us know of the day you plan to return to golf. Your name will be placed on the schedule.
The procedure for contacting captains to be put on the list or to cancel is by email or text, contacting both of them as one might be away. Ladies will be provided with the contact information for both captains at the beginning of the season. The AM and PM procedures are slightly different.
AM League:
An email will be sent out Sunday night or Monday by the captain of the week with the tee times for the upcoming Wednesday.
PM League:
The captain of the week will send an email on the weekend prior, to confirm that everyone who signed up to play is still able to play. The schedule will be finalized and tee times (or hole numbers) sent out Monday evening. We ask that requests for additions, or cancellations, be sent as soon as possible. We understand that last minutes cancellations are unavoidable, and ask if possible, ladies please text or email league captains.
If you have to cancel, forgot your tee time, want to know if you can bring a friend, always contact your league captain(s), never the pro shop.
We encourage all ladies to arrive for league play half an hour before their tee time, sign in, pay green fees if required, then do some practicing and enjoy visiting with other ladies in the league.
***Note - with River Bend golf green fees, a small bucket of balls, on the driving range is included.
River Bend Pro Shop Staff will send out a notice of tee time. It may not be accurate because the captains make changes due to last minute cancellations, so always check in prior to play.
The weather changes very quickly at River Bend Golf and Recreation Area. It may be raining in town and sunny on the course. Captains will not be expected to monitor weather and send out cancellation notices. The expectation is that each golfer will decide for themselves and cancel as they would any other week
Each golf day there will be a different game, with a new challenge. The games will be on the schedule given out at Registration Night and posted on the website.
The Prize committee will be responsible for making members aware of the game of the day, awarding prizes, the weekly 50/50 draw, and any other draws.
Membership and Guests
Playing in both leagues is permitted only as space allows, and as approved by the Executive.
All golfers of Ladies League are welcome to bring a guest for league day.
A guest will play with the member who brought her.
A guest will be allowed to play if there are open spots available.
Arrangements must be made ahead of time by the member for their guest.
Please note that priority will go to all River Bend Ladies League Members first.
Guests will be allowed to participate on social days (nights) but they will be charged for the cost of the meal.
Guests will not be allowed to participate in hole or game of the day prizes. They may purchase 50/50 tickets and claim the prize if their name is drawn.
Four Socials are held (one per month) during the season. Cost of the meals is included in the registration fee each woman pays. In the evening league, socials are held in conjunction with a shot gun start. The food is served buffet style as soon as all golfers have returned to the club house.
In the morning league members ladies are asked to choose a meal option before they go out to golf so the meal can be ready for them when they come in.
​Year End Wind-up
In order for it to be a fun experience for everyone, our windup is about having fun and not about skill. It is a scramble format, and teams are balanced with beginner, novice and experienced golfers, as well as high, medium and low handicaps. It is an opportunity to celebrate the season that was, and spend time with friends before we go our separate ways for the winter. All members are encouraged to join in the fun. It is the only time the morning and evening league members get to play together.
Following the windup, we have a banquet, prizes for the year, and our annual general meeting.
Managing all Issues and Complaints
Please address any concerns and constructive feedback to the league vice-president or president, whichever is a member of your league, or one of your league captains. They will be the sole point of league contact with the executive and communication with the pro shop.
Please refer to the Ladies League Bylaws in difficult situations. Bylaws are posted on the website.
This document will be reviewed, at a minimum of every two years, or sooner if needed for changes required.